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Herbs useful for treating diarrhea: Blueberry, oak, sage.

Herb name: Blueberry, vaccinium myrtillus

herbs - blueberry

Family: Ericaceae

Useful plant parts: fruits and leaves

Description: Blueberry is a shrub-like plant, and usually grows to about 50 cm in height. Branches are green and sharp-edged, covered with leaves on short stems. Leaves are egg-shaped, slightly sharpened towards the top. Blueberry has bell-shaped flowers, which are developed in the spring. Berries start to form in early summer.

Collecting period and locations: Blueberry usually blooms from May to June, and the collection of fruits can start after this period, when the berries fully mature. Apart from the grapes, young leaves can also be picked. They are later dried in shady and warm places. Blueberries can be found in continental regions, in coniferous and mixed forests with slightly acidic soil. On some locations they can be found in larger quantities.


Medicinal properties and applications: Dried berries are mostly used, as an excellent cure for diarrhea, especially for smaller children. Blueberries can quickly and for longer period of time stop diarrhea, which was created as a result of rotting processes in intestines. They can be taken as raw dried parts, or even better, as concentrated tea. Tea can also be used to treat various types of inflammation.

Active compounds: Tannins, fruit acids, mineral compounds, vitamins, flavones, arbutin, glycosides.

Recipe: 3 full tea spoons of dried fruits are added to a quarter liter of cold water and heated until boiling temperature. The heating is continued for another 10-15 minutes. After that, the tea can be strained and drinked when cool.


Herb name: Oak, Quercus robur or Quercus petraea

herbs - oak

Family: Fagaceae

Useful plant parts: peeled off bark from young branches

Description: Oak is a deciduous tree with characteristic gnarled branches, that can grow over 30 meters in height. The bark is relatively smooth on younger branches, while the older branches usually have thicker bark. The leaves are bare, 10-15 cm long and asymmetrically shaped. Oak is also known by its characteristic fruit, acorns.

Certain mushroom species are known to grow often near chestnuts: Amanita caesarea, Amanita muscaria, Amanita pantherina, Amanita phalloides, Boletus aereus, Boletus edulis, lažna ludara, Boletus splendidus, Gymnopilus junonius, Hericium erinaceus, Leccinum griseum, Lentinula edodes, Macrolepiota procera, Tuber magnatum, Russula cyanoxantha, Russula heterophylla and many other.

Collecting period and locations: In the spring, the bark from the younger branches is collected. The thickness of the branches should not be greater than 6 cm. Bark from older branches isn't useful, especially not from branches that have lichen and algae growing on them. The separated bark must be dried quickly, as it can otherwise lose too many active substances.


Medicinal properties and applications: Oak bark contains considerable quantities of tannins, and because of this, the bark can be used for the treatment of various inflammations. It can stop diarrhea, and it can also strengthen the work of intestines. In the case of inflamed gums, larynx and oral cavity, using bark tea has given good results.

Active compounds: Mainly tannins.

Recipe: 1 to 2 full teaspoons of sliced dried bark is added to a quarter liter of cold water, which is than heated up to the boiling temperature, and cooked for about 5 minutes. The tea is then strained, and when it cools down, it can be drinked (usually 2-3 cups a day).


Herb name: Sage, Salvia officinalis

herbs - sage

Family: Lamiaceae

Useful plant parts: Leaves

Description: Sage is a herb usually high between 20 and 60 cm. In the lower parts, it has somewhat thicker wooden branches, and above them, green and hairy stalks that have a edgy surface are located. Egg-shaped leaves are placed on short petioles, and are grayish-green colored. They are also covered with relatively thick hair. The flowers are purple colored and collected in blooms on the tops of the stems.

Collecting period and locations: Young branches with leaves are picked before the plants start to flower (in late spring) and are dried quickly in a shady, airy and warm place. As for the locations where it can be found, sage is a relatively common plant in warmer regions, especially on the rocky terrain of the Mediterranean.

Medicinal properties and applications: Sage tea is used to treat inflammations of the oral cavity and pharynx. It calms down the body, reduces perspiration and encourages the work of the stomach and intestines. Essential oil from sage has disinfective properties, reduces spasms and it is effective against diarrhea.

Sage can also be added as a spice to many different meals, such as roasted trout, roasted hake, fried sardines, tuna sauce, but also many other.

Active compounds: Essential oils, tannins and flavonoids.

Recipe: Two small spoons of dried leaves of sage are added to 1/4 liter of cold water which is slowly heated until the boiling point. After that, the tea is strained and is ready for use. One should drink 2-3 cups of this tea a day.



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