Herbs |
Herbs useful for treating digestion problems: Yarrow, spearmint. Herb name: Yarrow, Achillea millefolium Family: Asteraceae Useful plant parts: Flowering plant Description: Yarrow is a plant that is usually high between 20 and 40 cm. The stalk is round and filled, with a smooth or sometimes hairy surface. The leaves are divided into many smaller parts. On the tops of the stalks blossoms with many small flowers are formed, which are usually white, but may also be pink or yellow. Collecting period and locations:The flowering plants are picked during summer. The plants are than bound into small bundles, and in that form they are dried in shaded and airy areas. Yarrow is a relatively common plant, growing in meadows, fields and along roads.
Medicinal properties and applications: Yarrow is an excellent herb for treatment of intestinal, stomach and bile problems. It is also good for stimulating appetite. Compresses soaked in water in which yarrow was cooked are good for healing wounds. Active compounds: Essential oil, hamazulene, tannins, resins, inulin, mineral compounds and vitamin A. Recipe: Yarrow tea can be prepared by taking two full teaspoons of dried flowering plants and adding them to 1/4 liters of boiling water, and leaving the tea for about 15 minutes. Afterwards the tea is strained, and is then ready.
Herb name: spearmint, Mentha piperita Family: Lamiaceae Useful plant parts: Leaves Description: Spearmint is a herb that usually grows between 30 and 80 cm in height and has a number of underground and overhead spreading roots. The stalk is edgy, and in the upper parts, relatively branched. The leaves are oblong and usually 4 to 7 cm long with a serrated edge. Pink flowers are gathered in blooms at the tops of branches. Collecting period and locations: The leaves can be gathered at any time of the year. As for the locations, the type of mint that is mentioned here has been cultivated in the second half of the 20th century in England, and has since then been grown and cultivated in many places over the world. This plant can also sometimes be found in the wild, but it is primarily propagated through its spreading roots.
Medicinal properties and applications: Spearmint tea is a good remedy for stomach and intestinal problems, especially those associated with flatulence, cramping and smelly stool. Also, spearmint tea stimulates the creation of bile and its secretion. Active compounds: Essential oil (which contains menthol) and tannins. Recipe: One tablespoon of dried spearmint leaves are added to 1/4 liters of boiling water and left 10-15 minutes. After that, the tea is drained and is ready for use.
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