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Herbs useful for treating flatulence: Basil, caraway.

Herb name: Basil, Ocimum basilicum

herbs - basil

Family: Lamiaceae

Useful plant parts: All parts that grow above ground

Description: Basil is a hardy plant that usually grows to about 50 cm in height. The leaves are oval, placed on long stems. Joint flowers of this plant in the shape of blooms are usually pink, white or red, and develop on the tops of branches.

Collecting period and locations: Basil flourishes in the period from June to September, and can be gathered virtually at any time since all parts of the plant, except roots, are useful for healing. This plant comes from India, so in our area (Croatia) it can not be found in the wild, although it can sometimes be found near villages because basil is a relatively often cultivated herb.


Medicinal properties and applications: Basil is very effective against flatulence and gastric disturbances. In addition, it works against stress, and is useful against insomnia. Also, it can help people with a lack of appetite.

Basil can also be added as a spice to many different meals, such as meat sauce, tuna sauce, cabbage salad, green salad, but also many other.

Active compounds: Tannins, essential oils, glycosides and saponins.

Recipe: Basil tea is usually prepared by using dried flourishing branches. Two spoons of the mentioned dry material are poured in 1/4 liter of boiling water and left for 15-20 minutes. After that tea should be strained and is ready to be used.


Herb name: Caraway, Carum carvi

herbs - caraway

Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

Useful plant parts: mature fruits

Description: The caraway is a medicinal plant with a thick, spindle-shaped root. During the first year of growth, ground leaves from the root grow out. During the second year, an upright stem is formed gradually. The leaves are thin and divided in small feather-like shapes. The flowers are usually white, sometimes reddish. Mature fruits can be split in two falciform parts.

Collecting period and locations: Caraway is a relatively widespread meadow plant, that can be located in embankments, around paths, and often on meadows. Concerning the collection of this plant, the fruits are picked from July to September, as soon as they acquire a brown color. The fruits and are than dried using a place with warm and dry air.


Medicinal properties and applications: The caraway is one of the best means against flatulency. Its carminative action, is the most important property of this plant. In addition, although there is no greater medicinal importance, caraway is often used as a spice due to its specific aroma.

Caraway can also be added as a spice to many different meals, such as green cabbage salad, various types of meat sauces, but to many other meals as well.

Active compounds: Essential oil containing limonine, carveol and carvone.

Recipe: One full teaspoon of crushed fruits of caraway are added to a quarter liter of boiling water and after 10-15 minutes the tea is strained. Tea is usully used while still warm.



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