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Body cleansing
Circulation problems
Digestion problems
Prostate problems
Rheumatic problems
High blood pressure

Herbs useful for treating gout: Beech, white willow.

Herb name: Beech, Fagus sylvatica

herbs - beech

Family: Fagaceae

Useful plant parts: Wooden material.

Description: Beech is a deciduous tree species which is known for its grey or greyish green colored bark and for its somewhat fragile and elyptical leaves which can be from 5 to 15 centimeters long, and 4 to 10 centimeters wide. The fruits are small and sharply three–angled, usually from 10 to 15 milimeters long. These fruits are edible, but are often bitter because of the high content of tannins.

Certain mushroom species are known to grow often near beeches: Amanita muscaria, Amanita pantherina, Amanita phalloides, Boletus aereus, Boletus splendidus, Boletus torosus, Craterellus cornucopioides, Hericium erinaceus, Lentinula edodes, Macrolepiota procera, Pleurotus ostreatus, Russula heterophylla, Russula cyanoxantha, but also and many other species as well.

Collecting period and locations: The main source of useful properties is the tar which can be obtained by dry distillation of beech wood. The wood can be collected in various periods throughout the year. As for the locations, beeches are very common trees which can often be found in deciduous forests. However, it does not prefer humid areas, so it can mostly be found at a bit higher altitudes.


Medicinal properties and applications: The tar made by the process of dry distilling beech wood can be used to make various types of grease which can be used to treat various skin diseases, and rheumatic problems as well. It can also help treat gout.

Active compounds: The tar made from beeches contains guaiacol and various cresols.

Recipe: Since the process of dry distillation is more complicated than other procedures mentioned in the descriptions of certain plant species, we will not go into details related to the mentioned process. However, one can buy products based on beech tar, which can than be applied to the skin, where eventual problems exist.


Herb name: White willow, Castanea sativa

herbs - white willow

Family: Salicaceae

Useful plant parts: Bark.

Description: White willow mostly comes in form of a larger bush, although sometimes it is described as a small tree. Flowers emerge in the spring, before leaves are formed. There are two varieties of willows, so in one specimen one can only see either male or female flowers. The male flowers have yellow stamen, while female flowers have green stamens.

Certain mushroom species are known to grow often on white willows: mainly oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), but also and many other species as well.

Collecting period and locations: The bark of this plant can be collected already in the spring, when it already becomes filled with plant juice. The bark is most commonly taken of middle sized branches. White willows can be found on places where humidity is relatively high, along rivers and ditches, on damp meadows, near edges of forests.


Medicinal properties and applications: This plant has various applications. It is known to increase secretion of water (in form of sweat) and is also known to be able to ease pain. It can also lower the body temperature when it is too high, it can also treat headaches. Willow is also a good remedy for various rheumatic problems and gout because it can increase the excretion of uric acid.

Active compounds: Glycosides, tannins, salicylic acid, and several other compounds similar to salicylic acid.

Recipe: This herb is mostly used in form of tea, which can be prepared by adding one full teaspoon of dried and grinded willow bark, to 1/4 liter of cold water. The tea is then heated until it starts to boil, after which one can turn off the heat, and let it cool a bit, for about 5 minutes. After that, it can be strained and used.



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